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14 Comments leave one →
  1. Dinesh Saroj permalink
    April 1, 2011 9:10 pm


    I Liked the effort you are doing for the gender discrimination for the one symbolised as “Devi” in this Nation of God and Goddess…

    However I felt the very urge to bring your attention to include the Widely Used Indian Languages Like Hindi, Urdu, Tamil, Marathi, Gujarati, and others so as to widespread it’s reach to mass… Now a days I’m experiencing that Indian languages are widely in use on the internet and blog world… so as this cause is meant for the Indian Land, including Indian Language as the medium of contact with the readers will be a great medium. I am aware that It will take a lot of efforts and time, but you will definitely attract Volunteers for the cause, I hope so…! And to this concern I will be happy to extend my hand with the Hindi Language if you please to.

    Best Regards,
    Dinesh Saroj

    • April 4, 2011 5:56 am

      Hi Dinesh Saroj,

      Thank you very much for volunteering your help. We have in fact been trying to get Indian translations for this petition. Our problem is transcribing them into wordpress. The ones we got in Hindi and Punjabi were in formats that could not be copied and pasted onto the wordpress application. We find the only way we can do that is if the petitions are submitted in a Word document. Would that be possible for you to do? To send us a translation of this petition in Word? Then please contact Rita at Thanks much!

  2. hotshot bald cop permalink
    August 30, 2011 1:47 pm

    Right on!

  3. September 19, 2011 7:06 am


    • September 26, 2011 6:09 am

      @Jagjit Singh Sandhu — Tradition and religion are the causes of women’s suppression world wide. The only way societies have been able to change is through the enforcement of law despite tradition and religion. That is something that India has been reluctant to do! But it is the only way to change as evidenced from all other countries.

  4. December 30, 2012 10:42 am

    I totally agree with the observation above. I have to believe that there is a universal understanding of right and wrong. People know when they have done something evil. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” should be a universally understood concept best taught in the home. Authorities are derelict when outrages occur and there is
    no recognition of the victim. Non enforcement of human rights holds a nation back. India must do better than this.

  5. sibi mathew permalink
    October 8, 2013 3:21 pm

    india is a country having different religions and culture .each religion have different belives .People here doesent know what is right and what is wrong.They should understand the universal truth that there is only one God.Each individual is same and it is the religion and culture that seperate them.And it is the religious heads that gain most of it.Religion is a way for making money.We have to identify that.We should understand that all of us are going to die one day and will be rwarded.We need to educate children from school level that all man kind are equal and have the same blood and
    relegion is made by men and not by god.

    Sibi mathew

  6. Ranjan permalink
    October 8, 2013 8:02 pm

    It is shame for all Indian’s!

  7. Rita permalink
    October 11, 2013 3:20 pm

    Tradition and culture can and must change. And it can happen in a matter of just a few years if there are efforts in place. But there must be movements such as this one. This movement must get out in the local languages. This must spread.

    • May 28, 2014 8:22 pm

      As Alyna mentions in the attached video on why she rises to stop violence against women and children, “Knowing what’s right means nothing unless we do what’s right”

      Whether its culture or tradition or any other reason/excuse, we have all been blessed with the intellect to know what is inherently right and wrong. That alone should be enough to overcome the reluctance to change despicable practices. That power of intellect is within us all. Kudos to you for mobilizing the movement towards change.

  8. March 20, 2014 11:47 pm

    There are many ways to greatness in the world: economic, political, social, cultural, scientific and so on.

    But if a nation is one that permits the killing of its own human beings not yet born or recently born on biological grounds based so heavily on gender alone, then it lacks what is the most important and valued greatness of all: the moral greatness that must underlie all else.


  1. “India, the female genocide beyond the Holocaust” – Uno sguardo al femminile
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