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Bring Back Police Officer #DamayantiSen! #Justice for the #ParkStreetRape Victim

December 29, 2012

Though the brutal gang rape and murder of a young medical student in Delhi has spurred a movement of anger and outrage against the government and police in Delhi (click here), rape and femicide (the killing of girls and women) are the fastest growing crimes in India.

One of the questions we have to ask is : How does Indian society view this crime? Very often rape victims are blamed by the government and police for the crime.  They question how the victim dressed, or claim they behaved “immorally,” implying that she asked to get raped!!

imagesEven as the public protest against violence on women gathered momentum in Delhi and the rest of India, one female politician in Kolkata, Kakoli Ghosh Dastidar, chose this very moment, to demean another gang rape victim, of a highly publicized case  in her city.  She said, “They [the Kolkata rape and Delhi gang rape] are totally different. The incident at Park Street [Kolkata] was not a rape at all. It was a misunderstanding between two parties involved in professional dealing — a woman and her client.”  

The state government had earlier attempted to cast off the case, by questioning why this woman was at a pub, dancing or drinking, and why she accepted a ride home with the men she met there.  According to the government only prostitutes do such things, which is what Dastidar was re-iterating, and also further implying that it was perfectly alright to rape women who actually might be sex-workers!

In February 2012,   a woman in Kolkata was taken hostage by a gang of men in a car, on the pretext of giving her a ride home from a pub.  She was raped at gunpoint, and brutally battered.  She was then dumped on the roadside bloodied. When she went to the police for help they jeered at her.  The male police officers joked about going to the pub themselves to find a ‘girlfriend.’  They asked her to demonstrate what positions she was raped in.   And they also delayed her medical examination as well as the investigation of the case deliberately.

mamta banerjee

Mamata Banerjee

The Chief Minister, Mamata Banerjee, a woman and a lawyer,  dismissed the case without an investigation and stated the victim was lying .  One of her other ministers began to openly question what profession she belonged to.  Was she a prostitute?  They threatened to begin investigating her family — her father’s past and work record for instance.   The victim was traumatized.   She said she felt victimized all over again.

The Chief Minister refused to withdraw her remarks, even when a conscientious police woman, Damayanti Sen, the city’s first female joint commissioner of police, took a personal initiative in the case, investigating it, and finally booked the rapists.

Instead, the Chief Minister hauled up Damayanti Sen, and sent away from the city on punishment posting.   How many women will feel safe to come out and complaint about rape under this Chief Minister?

Let’s all call on CM Mamata Banerjee and her minster Kakoli Ghosh Dastidar to make a public apology.

damyanti senLet us demand the Prime Minister of India sign an executive order re-instating police officer Damayanti Sen to her original posting in Kolkata city with a promotion. Let this be the start of our revolution for safety and justice for India’s Women! You can email him here. Or tweet him here


16 Comments leave one →
  1. Padmanbhan Jaikumar permalink
    December 30, 2012 12:25 pm

    Mamata Banerjee if serious on rape cases instead of her comment that it is fabricated stories and forgo her ego problem,particularly after the Delhi bus rape case,should owe an apology and reinstate her for the betterment of women and their safety.West Bengal is becoming a rape city these days and we need such officers who can go deep in to merit of the case rather than dispose of as fabricated stories and should be made incharge of all rape case investigations

  2. pranjit saharia permalink
    December 31, 2012 12:42 pm

    Sorry your search for “one little angel came….shook the nation…united people and went back to haven….but people are on the street looking for tougher law and speedy justice but our politicians are still silent and waiting for the protest to die down. This is high time our politicians must realize that we are in 2012 and not in 1947…politicians must change their attitude and approach towards the people of this country. young India will not tolerate atrocities and injustice against any women.” did not turn up any results. Please try again.

  3. pranjit saharia permalink
    December 31, 2012 12:47 pm

    one little angel came….shook the nation…united people and went back to heaven….but people are still on the street looking for tougher law and speedy justice but our politicians are still silent and waiting for the protest to die down. This is high time our politicians must realize that we are in 2012 and not in 1947…politicians must change their attitude and approach towards the people of this country. young India will not tolerate atrocities and injustice against any women.

  4. January 2, 2013 8:42 pm

    Reblogged this on REVOLUTIONS IN MY SPACE: A BLOG BY RITA BANERJI and commented:
    Why are police officers who protect rape victims punished, and the ones who persecute rape victims allowed to continue in India? Till this system changes, it does not matter what laws we have or don’t have to protect women from violence.

  5. David permalink
    January 5, 2013 8:53 pm

    related music video: ‘Talking Rape In India’ is Michel Montecrossa’s New-Topical-Song for Women’s Rights, Freedom and Security

    Michel Montecrossa says about ‘Talking Rape In India’:
    “I wrote the song ‘Talking Rape In India’ at a time when more and more governments all over the world got poisoned by corruption, lost contact with reality and mistreated their people. This decline of ethical standard spread like wildfire throughout the societies and pushed the minds of the people into bewilderment, lack of trust, confusion and mental disorder leading to increase of rape, murder and a general loss of civilization and humanity. All this must be ended if nations want to survive. Women are the most precious power for the life of every nation. They must be free from suppression, rape and murder and for this liberation I full-heartedly take a stand with my song.”

  6. January 10, 2013 11:52 am

    Thank goodness for the brave police officer Damyanti Sen. I sincerely hope she is reinstated and will spread the message hoping that the more who know the better. Campaigns do make a difference, but the action taken against her by the chief minister is appalling. It is just so sad, so sad for the victim, the police officer and justice.

  7. Lisa Guest permalink
    January 14, 2013 9:24 pm

    Why oh why oh why are we defending these Rapists and Murderers?,,,,,,,they obviously know that they can get away with it, that’s why they do it!….In fact, the Police, Government, society itself is positively ENCOURAGING MEN TO RAPE BY MAKING LIMP AND WEAK EXCUSES FOR THESE MEN,,……IT IS AS THOUGH INDIA WANTS THIS TERRIBLE REPUTATION FOR THEY SURE AS HELL NOW HAVE A REPUTATION FOR HAVING THE WORST REPUTATION IN THE WORLD,,,…IS THERE ANY HONOUR IN THAT,,…..What is going on???……50 MILLION WOMEN AND GIRLS KILLED IN 20 years……SHAME ON YOU INDIA……WHO IS GOING TO PROTECT THESE GIRLS AND WOMEN……????????No one it seems!……Poor good and honourable people of India who are being destroyed by this plague of low lives who are in charge!……I wish I could help!. ….Poor women…………

  8. February 4, 2013 5:39 am

    India, what horrible government you have 😦


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