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873% Increase in India’s Rape Crimes Rate

November 11, 2012

November 11, 20211

India’s National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) reveals that since 1971, there has been an increase of 873% in India’s rape related crimes!! 

Next to Femicide (the killing of women and girls because of their gender) this is the second fastest increasing crime in India.

Is the systematic annihilation of women and girls, and the low ratio of women to men the cause of the increase in this crime?

Not necessarily!  Mizoram in the North East, has a better female to male ratio.  However, in  2011, Mizoram headed the list of rape cases with a rape index of 9.1.  The rape index is the number of rapes per 100,000 women.

However, it is also important to keep in mind that the NCRB only reports on crimes that have been reported and filed!! So it is possible that far more women in Mizoram are reporting and filing cases than in other states.

Most women in India do not report rape cases.  And in many instances where they do they face further harassment from the police who often do not file the rape charges! WHICH MEANS….the rape scenario in India could be far worse than the NCRB actually reports!

What is also interesting to note is that there is another trend that’s obvious.  When ever a female politician heads a state in India, the crimes against women, specially rape increase exponentially, and the female leaders refuse to address the issue, in order to stay in power.  This was true of the state of Uttar Pradesh under Chief Minister Mayawati.  This same trend is now seen in West Bengal, which is now under the leadership of Mamta Banerjee.  There were 2,363 cases in 2011. Women’s ngos in the city have been protesting how because of the breakdown in law and order, there is an increasing sense of insecurity in women as they see rapes being committed blatantly in their city, often by men who are part of Mamta Banerjee’s party.  How does this female leader respond?  Read our post here for that.  For full report click here.

For other newspaper reports of incidents of violence against women and girls in India CLICK HERE


8 Comments leave one →
  1. December 27, 2012 12:54 pm


    • elizabeth brawn permalink
      February 12, 2013 12:37 pm

      no hanging……that will only incite revenge……fine them and send them to gaol

  2. February 12, 2013 2:45 am

    Why to wonder ? India is most likely only country on the planet giving its military free hands to kill and rape acc to The Armed Forces Special Powers Act allows military personnel to shoot and even kill
    anyone on grounds of suspicion. It is a descendant of the colonial Armed Forces (Special
    Powers) Ordinance introduced by the British in 1942 to quell the Quit India Movement.
    In independent India this ordinance passed through several avatars until it came to be the
    Armed Forces Special Powers Act of 1958


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