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Ask Why Giving Birth to Girls Gets Women Killed in India

October 25, 2013

girl hateOn October 18, 2013, in the town of Gurdaspur, a young woman, Sandeep Kaur who had been married for barely two years, was tortured to death by her husband and in-laws.  The reason for this was she had given birth to a girl!

One day later, on October 19, in one of India’s holiest cities, Varanasi, 27-year-old Aarti, who had been married to Sanjiv Kumar Singh for 8 years, was locked inside a room, beaten, her head battered in with an iron rod, was doused with kerosene and set on fire.   Aarti had refused to cave under pressure from her husband and in-laws to abort the female child she had been carrying and had given birth to a girl.  The neighbors broke in on hearing the baby cry and took Aarti to the hospital where she’s still fighting her life.

These are just two incidents on two successive days in October 2013!  How many women are killed in India for giving birth to  girls?

The general response to this is that “men are responsible for the sex of the child.”  Of course men know that.  But they still kill!  Do you wonder why?

15 Comments leave one →
  1. October 25, 2013 11:45 pm

    Reblogged this on be the change book club. and commented:
    Speaking on the BBC’s 100 Women series today, Iceland’s champion debater, Sigridur Maria Egilsdottir, said: “Our world is made up by little more than thoughts and ideas. Therefore we can change it.” Gives hope when reading about atrocities like the one above.

  2. October 26, 2013 6:04 pm

    Men are not responsible for gender of child! It is random with 50 50 chance. Don’t create myths about male power.

    • October 31, 2013 11:11 pm

      No one is creating a myth about male power, the fact is if the bastard can’t make a male, he can’t make a male, its ALL on the males head here. We women can not make a bit of difference here, if they want to beat someone to death I suggest they beat the hell out of each other, (the men) after all whose fault is it when a beautiful tiny girl is born. Seriously.

    • November 7, 2013 11:28 pm

      Yes, men are responsible for the sex of the baby. Women’s eggs carries the X chromosome only. The male sperm carries X and Y which determines gender when it joins with the egg.
      XX = Female
      XY = Male

    • Kate Brookfield permalink
      November 12, 2013 12:57 am

      See my response to Carla. It is the word ‘responsible’ that I am challenging. The man has no control about which chromosome he plants. Therefore, he is NOT ‘responsible’ for anything except the pregnancy. The gender is controlled by chance. If we let men think they control the gender of the child we give them the power over birth that they have craved since humans started thinking!.
      What is needed is to break cultural myths that give so much importance to the male child; dowries, honour killings, etc.that cause women to be treated as goods, sold into marriage, slaves of the in-law family, bargaining tools for family wealth. Without the female child ALL births would cease.
      Whenever we hear great praise for the birth of a son, speak up and ask ‘why’? Is not the birth of any child a cause for praise?
      What can YOU do to break the myths?

  3. shweta permalink
    October 26, 2013 11:29 pm

    from my point of view i think women are killed for giving birth to girl child because of unawareness among people. they think that women are responsible for dis but this is nt true. another reason for this is ego of people who do not want to listen anything. they think they are right….

  4. October 27, 2013 12:33 am

    Reblogged this on Social Awareness.

  5. October 27, 2013 3:55 am

    Reblogged this on Mind Chatter and commented:
    Can we just stop hating one another? Please!

  6. October 27, 2013 4:04 am

    Reblogged this on Thoughts while on Forest Walks.

  7. October 27, 2013 7:07 am

    Ugh, that is sickening.

  8. OyiaBrown permalink
    October 27, 2013 5:08 pm

    Reblogged this on Oyia Brown.

  9. Carla Sanders permalink
    October 31, 2013 4:51 pm

    actually men are responsible for the sex of the child. Do your homework lady.

    • Kate Brookfield permalink
      November 1, 2013 10:55 pm

      There is no need for your angry response that implies I am ignorant. I was a teacher of Biology and know all about the XY chromosomes. My point was that men cannot choose to implant an X or a Y chromosome sperm. It is random and they have no choice, that is responsibility for the sex of the child they help create.
      Your hostile attitude needs to be tempered with respect for others. I am happy that you are concerned about this issue, but please do not pick unnecessary fights with other women.
      The world needs people working in peace together not attacking one another with disparaging comments.
      Peace and Love works!

  10. December 21, 2013 8:03 pm

    Good post..
    The feelings of a girl going through feticide:

    An Unborn Girl’s Cry: Against Female Feticide


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