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Claiming My Space as a Woman in India!

September 19, 2013
rita my space

Claiming my space!

by Rita Banerji 

When I first went to the U.S. from India, as a student, I was 18.  And it was then that I learnt something about being a woman that I could not have learnt had I stayed on in India.

I learnt, with a certain feeling of jubilation, that it was absolutely possible for me, to walk down streets and into public places, alone – and not be prodded, grabbed at, stared down, commented on or stalked by vagrant men that hung around every street corner!  Like most girls who grow up in India, I too went places only in pairs or in a group.  But never alone!  The feeling of suffocation and repulsion in something so simple as walking down a street as a girl or a woman in India, is dreadful.  It is like walking through a war zone with your defenses up, always expecting an attack.  There is no telling when there will be lewd remarks passed, or you’ll be molested or followed.  Often the men hang around in groups, which makes these encounters that much more aggressive and terrifying.  There is a power dynamic set through these social patterns of gender interaction.  It is how men reinforce their dominance over space in India.  The response of girls, the fear, the self-imposed restrictions, self-blame (such as if men harass you then you must have asked for it either through your clothing or behavior), is a subconscious consent to this kind of territorial male assertion.

And so we Indian girls grow up like hedgehogs, always curled into our protective balls – trying to be as inconspicuous as possible, trying to occupy the least space possible.  This pulling in of our “selves,” our bodies, our breaths, our thoughts, our presence — is evident everywhere.  If you walk down the streets in India, or walk into public places—government offices, banks, the market, the post-office, 80% or more of the people present will be men!

But after living in the U.S. for more than a decade, something had definitely changed for me.  It was not so much that I had forgotten what it was like to be a girl in India, but that when I returned, my expectations had changed.  Simply put – as a woman I now expect to occupy public space with the same freedom and nonchalance as men!  Moreover, my response to these old gender dynamics has changed.   The territorial male responses don’t offend or frighten me anymore; they infuriate me!   I am amazed I don’t cringe the way I once did, and the way I still witness other women cringing.   Something in me, almost compulsively pushes back, and I stand my ground.

I remember this one incident in the post-office, where I was standing at end of a 30 people queue, incidentally the only woman in the queue that day.  A man came and stood behind me, and even though there was plenty of space, he stood close enough so he could attempt periodic body contact with me. This is a very frequent occurrence and the way women deal with it is by pretending to ignore it or even giving up their place in line.  I turned around and calmly told this man to move back and not touch me.  He said, with a tone of aggression men often use in public spaces, “You can’t tell me what to do. Do you own this post-office?” None of the other men in the post-office said a word.  In situations like this there is a collective male hostility often directed at the woman.  The tacit message is: “You don’t belong here.  You deserve what you get.”   I looked him right in the eye, and replied firmly and loudly for the benefit of all, “No I don’t own it, and neither do you.  It’s a government office for all citizens to use.  I am treating you in a civilized manner.  As a citizen I expect you to do the same with me.”

Perhaps the important question that I ask myself now is: what changed the way I respond.  I think for me the answer is in that my perception my “self” as a woman has changed.  Femininity in India is a uniformly tailored cultural costume that all girls are expected to wear.  We are told how to dress, what to say, and how to behave.  Any deviation is harshly judged and penalized.   Growing up, I too unquestioningly had worn the “Indian girl” costume.  If I deviated, I believed, like others around me, that I was ‘rebelling!’  But going from my late teens into adulthood in the U.S., I was initiated into a whole different concept of being a woman.  My womanhood is not owned by anyone other than me.  It is for no one to tell me what it means to be a woman.   It is simply who I am.  My womanhood is how I evolve as an individual.  It is the process of growing into my own skin, and is defined by my unique thoughts, ideas, and experiences.  And I am free to experiment; and I am free to change.  I don’t have to explain it, justify it or defend it – to anyone! 

It is now that I see that this is where my power lies.   The freedom and ability to decide how I will occupy the space within—the space that I call ‘self’ or ‘woman’ – is what gives me the power to determine how I will occupy the space outside – the streets, the country, and the world!  

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Rita Banerji is an author and gender activist, and the founder ofThe 50 Million Missing Campaign to end India’s female genocide.  Her book ‘Sex and Power: Defining History Shaping Societies,‘ is a historical and social look at how the relationship between gender and power in India has led to the ongoing female gendercide.  Her website She blogs at Revolutions in my Space and tweets at@Rita_Banerji

44 Comments leave one →
  1. September 19, 2013 7:26 pm

    Reblogged this on Social Awareness.

  2. September 19, 2013 9:46 pm

    Reblogged this on Deo Optimo Maximo.

  3. September 19, 2013 11:43 pm

    Outstanding account, thank you.

    • September 21, 2013 12:47 pm

      A very well said comment. I agree with you. To me looks like a lot of Indian men do not have a respectful regard for any woman whether she be Indian or from the Western countries. I would not hop on a bus by myself and if I did I would carry a gun or weapon to defend myself. You would think that there would be harsher penalties for rape in India…it has been very slack indeed. Women have a right to live a normal happy life, travel on a bus or train without getting molested, raped or murdered. What is wrong with the male mentality? I said some males………. not all in India. Maybe the buses and trains have to be policed more, more guards, I don;t know the actions that the police, government can take or a willing to take to protect their women and children.

  4. Joan Williams permalink
    September 20, 2013 2:24 am

    Very, Very well said and enlightening! You have verbalized what many women need to hear and understand regardless of what country they live in. This article will help women to analyze situations and understand their feelings and experiences in such a way that they can move forward to freedom and have a clearer picture of what that should look like. Brilliant job – I commend you!!

  5. September 20, 2013 6:06 am

    Yes, yes, yes!

  6. September 21, 2013 7:10 am

    Reblogged this on swati bhatt and commented:
    Something we Indians

    Something we Indian girls need to give a thought to

  7. September 21, 2013 1:09 pm

    amazing !

  8. September 21, 2013 1:19 pm

    Very true

  9. D.R. Soni permalink
    September 21, 2013 1:23 pm

    I appreciate your efforts in this direction……Congrats

  10. Girirajsinh chauhan permalink
    September 21, 2013 1:35 pm

    beautiful work …….women’s safety in in India.
    all the best keep it up may God bless you in your mission.

  11. Victoria Hayward permalink
    September 21, 2013 2:02 pm

    Well written, having travelled in India I’ve had my share of experiences and I never feel really comfortable. In Delhi I found Men to be ill mannered (but we can’t generalise) –

    One small example instead of giving up a seat for a woman – when one became open two men stretched out so i could not sit there even when one became available, They put there feet up on the chair and their hands on their crouch? and sniffed that awful brain nasal snort ! while all the time staring at me! So disrespectful – I would never travel alone there.

    I can’t imagine living like that every day of my life.

    Kashmir was different – there people openly come and say hello as I am different – just to ask where Im from – then move off in a comfortable time frame – no lingering.

    • Bidushi Mathieson permalink
      September 22, 2013 4:12 pm

      It’s true Victoria most of Indian men are like hungry animal specially in delhi and other metropolitan Indian cities I have bad experience…… I grew up in India.I think it’s in gene .

  12. September 21, 2013 2:30 pm

    A reblogué ceci sur Alexandrine de Mun and commented:
    Need to associate all the organisations to fight the gender uprising inequality and violence of all kind against women and girls all over the world.

  13. September 21, 2013 3:23 pm


  14. SpiritMolecule permalink
    September 21, 2013 3:25 pm

    I agree with you about what you have to say about Indian men. You might have felt more secure in US but the country has one of the highest reported rape incidents in the world.

    You may wish to check out yourself at the following site. The data is updated till 2010 only

    Thank you

    • September 21, 2013 3:43 pm

      These are not unrelated: The rates of street sexual harassment, molestation, rapes, killings of women for dowry — the violence meter towards women stems from the same mentality/place. How many molestations are reported to the police in India? None. Because to the police this is hardly anything! And certainly not criminal! If complaints are filed they are by women from other countries. Last month a Japanese woman filed a complaint of sexual molestation by an Indian man on a flight. An an American woman filed a complaint in the U.S. against an Indian man after which he was arrested. How many rapes are reported? The U.S. is hight because rapes are reported there! Including rapes by acquaintances. And in the US there has to be a police file and investigation. In India most rapes are unreported. It takes women huge courage to file a rape report and even then there is a massive battle. The police itself turns around and starts harassing women. Women are scared to go in to file rape reports because the police gang rape women. See this. And we don’t even talk about the kinds of rape going on inside homes: by relatives, fathers-in-law, brothers-in-law. We have ‘bride trafficking’ — which the police does not even consider as gang rape! The police does not file most other cases of lethal violence on women: many of which take place inside the house. We are no. 4 after Afghanistan, Congo, Pakistan in violence on women! We cannot afford to kid our selves anymore.

  15. Dr. M.A. Haque permalink
    September 21, 2013 7:27 pm

    There are various reasons for the women feeling insecure in India. One reason is that women are considered inferior. It starts right from the family and childhood. Girls are not welcome in the family. All effort is made to eliminate female foetus if it is known. Even after birth there are efforts to kill them. If that does not happen, they are killed slowly by way of denying them normal food and other facilities. I have seen it happening in large numbers of families. Girls are not allowed to eat non-veg food while male members have the freedom. An excuse is given that there is some god or goddess in the house. Hence, non-veg cannot be prepared and also consumed. Male members enjoy the same outside.
    Several of my friends visit my house and they have no hesitation in consuming non-veg food. But the women and girls do not join.
    Even in the matter of household chorus the girls are forced to work from early stage. Boys are exempted. In case of pocket money, dress, shoes and even in study materials the boys get whatever they want while girls are denied. Boys have freedom to move out anytime and remain out till late night. Girls are generally not allowed to move out and if they go out, they are regularly monitored.When the marriage time comes, the girls are almost never asked about their choice for a husband, their likes, dislikes etc. The boys have all the privileges. The grooms’ parents have the right to dictate terms and the brides’ parents have to accept whatever is dictated.
    At times when girls find temporary freedom if they find opportunity to stay away from the family in hostels etc. for education, they try to make use of the opportunity. they indulge in different kinds of activities including smoking, drinking etc. The reason they give is that once they are back in the family circle, they have to revert back to the same life as before. Hence, they try to enjoy as much as possible. That kind of behaviour sends wrong signals to the boys who are in touch with them and at times result in tragedies.
    We need to change the mindset. Until and unless we inculcate the feeling in the family that there is no difference between a girl child and a boy, the situation will never improve. The system of dowry is a big impediment in allowing the girls their rightful place. We need to remove the system completely.
    At least for making the beginning let us consider these.

    • September 24, 2013 3:51 pm

      Dr. Haque’s comments are accurate. I lived for 5 years in India, sometimes living in a family, sometimes in a women’s hostel, sometimes in an apartment, so I got to know how women live there. They are indeed terrorized by men from birth onwards. Sometimes this terrorism is gentle and subtle, sometimes violent. The only way to counteract this systematic subjugation is through education, from early childhood onward. It will need a complete social upheaval, since subjugation of women is part of religious and social culture. There needs to be a Sesame Street-style media campaign to correct the childhood messages about male prerogative that start with food habits and household chores. I cannot even imagine how this social upheaval is going to be accomplished, but I am sure of one thing – the women of India are capable of this. Of all women I have met in the world, they are the strongest, most intelligent, and most accomplished. Once their power is unleashed, they can easily rule the world.

  16. September 21, 2013 7:36 pm

    I agree with you. But don’t you think it is a manifestation of the mentality of our society. The bigger point is who is responsible ……….the family of the individual who was standing right behind you, the neighboring people who were standing mute around you or the media (electronic or print) which are flooded with exhibition of half or even more naked women bodies or a reality shows where celebrities are cracking jokes with dual vulgar meanings. But you can rightly condemn a political or religious leader for his obscene action but you can justify the same for commercial gains in the latter.

    You say that you learnt the concept of womanhood at USA …………………I think you wish to convey the prevailing fear in the society. It is the family & culture of an individual which instills such things & encourages him/her to rise against all odds. Our Indian culture is family-based & is our social-security; a parent takes care of his child who in turn takes care of his elderly parents ………….. This system require sacrifices which may be given by a man but more frequently by woman …………………. If you consider as a harassment of a woman or even a man; then I think it is a conflict of our upbringing cultures.

    Just like other woman activists you have raised the issue of dressing up. Well, dressing up of an individual is usually a manifestation of his/her cultural background …………. Can you make Queen Elizabeth dress up like the First Lady of USA……….? And so far my understanding is if you wish to travel in an area endemic in Malaria; you have to take certain medical precaution ……………..Similarly if certain preventive measures ensure you of safety why not to take that path ……………….? I am not supporting any rowdy …………… But I am trying to convince you that whatever a woman is facing in India needs a social reforms ……………. And “Media has a greater role to play”.

    • Bidushi Mathieson permalink
      September 22, 2013 4:30 pm

      Hi whatever you are saying is exactly Indians answer to wrong doing ….. no straight answer do you agree Indian men are like animals hungry for women in big cities ?
      I grew up in India in delhi men are so wild they are good actor too I saw them behave as good husband or father son or brother but its deferent strory when you see them outside , and don’t say its media or how we dress up or walking alone ate nite .
      What about this women travelling with her husband and 5men raper her , will you still say the girl’s fault becauce they trave in train or what you want to say?
      Please realise Indian men need to change .

  17. Rishabha Mehta permalink
    September 22, 2013 1:38 am

    I totally agree with Deborah… the incident openly left me speechless…I could not place a definite reason behind this. So many questions and so many aspects of the society to be blamed. But it definetly starts from the our very homes. I see this all around.
    When on earth is the mind- set going to change#@$! I mean how long do we have to be patient? It is a difficult answer.
    No political empowerment or economic indepence is going to work if safety is not provided to women. We obviously cannot overcome the natural physical differences between men and women, but atleast one can try in that direction. I , as a female student personally feel , that subjects in self-defence should be made mandatory, not only in the colleges but also in schools.

  18. Rishabha Mehta permalink
    September 22, 2013 2:13 am

    Talking about what Rita said, it is true that lesser cases are reported in India than in the west. We blame ourselves that the Indian mind set is such, and and that the people in other countries are more open- minded. But I feel it has something more to do with the culture here ( obviously it applies to those who are actually cultured). Recently I was given knowledge of this fact that in hindu culture, that in a joint family, the wives of younger brothers and those of the sons especially maintain distance from these men, owing to their vulnerable relationship. And with this in mind, these women while touching their feet veil their hands with the sari. I wont call this conservative, as I think whoever set such such trends and rules was wise enough to forsee the illegitimate relations that could to established. Nonethe less they still happen, everywhere irrespective of the culture or religion. As an Indian teenaged girl, it was difficult for me, at first, to absorb this fact.

    In the West, individualism is given more priority than in the east. I can observe it in their movies… and in the wake of this people become more free than those in the east , and become frivolous. When such crimes are perpetuated, victims report it . I do not say that it is easier for the women in the west, for it is easy for no women, can never be. But they indeed are more open- minded… and that is where we indians need take the lesson.

  19. September 24, 2013 1:09 am

    Reblogged this on djroy2608.

  20. Kimberly Robinson permalink
    September 24, 2013 8:41 am

    Wow! I’m an american woman and I am praying to God for all of you women all over the country that have to be mistreated and respected. Good for you to stand your ground and have strength to do this.. I am studying at Boise State University in Boise, Idaho and I saw a video on TED about being willingly blind and this is whats going on if they are seeing this happen to women all over the world and the government won’t help or the police.

  21. Kimberly Robinson permalink
    September 24, 2013 8:43 am

    I wanted to make a correction to the reply I just posted. I meant to say disrespected on the second line. very sorry for misspelling of word

  22. September 24, 2013 4:20 pm

    ”Perhaps the important question that I ask myself now is: what changed the way I respond.”
    I think, there is a point were many of us, whether we are Indian or from someplace decide that enough is enough and start to say no to sexism.

    I returned from my 4th visit to India a couple of weeks ago. I think, there are signs of things changing for women there. I was particularly concerned this time, because I was taking my 12 year old daughter with me. Neither of us was subject to any kind of sexual harassment or groping in the streets. I think, this is because of recent encouragement to women to report incidents to the police. There is even a special women’s court in Delhi now, run by a woman, to try the complaints the police receive about gender based violence and harassment of women. Or course though, abuse is a lot less likely to happen to foreign women, than it is to Indian women. It does happen to us though.

    Another thing I noticed on this trip to India, is an increased number of modern men, who are saying they hate the sexism which happens against Indian women and don’t see why they can’t live freely as men can.

  23. emery permalink
    September 26, 2013 12:12 am

    if I was a woman living in India I would not go anywhere without an AK-47 and a large supply of ammo

  24. Emma Chapman permalink
    September 26, 2013 8:31 pm

    I am an English woman who lives in Jaipur. And have been coming to INdia for many years. To be honest if I dress appropriately ie cover my arms and legs – and actually to make life easier and not get the same kind of attention – even cover my head with a scarf, it makes a huge difference. Also I always stand my ground with men, and tell them very firmly to move back or move over if they are encroaching on my space. I also dont make eye contact. If you command respect, you get respect back. I know I am a Westerner so that helps I am sure, but I think a lot of Western woman, who complain about being hassled have to learn how to dress and how to behave with men.

    • September 27, 2013 12:56 am

      @Emma — There is no accounting for how many rapes and killing of women and girls we have in India. Girls as little as 3, 4 years old. Many girls are stalked and have acid thrown on them. Most of the women stalked and raped by strangers are from the lower economic strata who can’t even approach the police, because they are known to be raped by the police! And it is not because of the way they are dressed. It is never because of the way women and girls dress. It because men who know who they can harass and where to draw the boundary with whom. It is opportunism and predation. For e.g. do you think these men who sexually harass women on the streets would harass say any of India’s female leaders like Sonia Gandhi or Mayawati? You are English, and perhaps white: that is a bigger safety net you can ever expect in India. The same goes for the class: it is a protective barrier. But there are thousands of women and girls in India, subject to not just harassment but sexual violence on the streets who have no safety net. Our leaders, our system has to accountable. And men who violate these boundaries know what they are doing, and are solely accountable.

  25. mclondon1 permalink
    September 27, 2013 7:54 am

    From my own experience and the account I heard from many of my women colleagues who visited India, I tend to agree with Emma. I think men should be told where the boundary is. This is exactly the thrust of Rita’s article, I believe. You said it correctly, “It because men who know who they can harass and where to draw the boundary with whom. It is opportunism and predation.”, now all women have to make sure that men know women are not their pray either.

    There were few cases of acid attack and police sexual assault, but that is not routine. So I think generalizing the fear based on such isolated cases, to prevent justice, is not a good way to deal with the problem.

    Now, when I visited India I saw men hanging around in various shops and junctions, and wondered about why they have so much time in their hand. Don’t they have jobs, school, etc.? Many of them are relatively young, and thus I think the fault goes to the family who let their children leave home and engage in anti-social behavior. They should be controlling their children and communicating with them about civic duties. That takes me to believe that, if these children (although it is probably a small fraction of children – I have visited some of the best institutions like IITs and IIM and I have not seen ANY misbehavior by students – they are fully into their work, but I am sure there are few trouble makers there too) are becoming immoral, then it seems there is a good chance it is condoned, or at least not opposed, by the family maybe including the mother.

  26. Victoria Whitelaw permalink
    September 28, 2013 7:19 am

    I am 57. My experience as a young woman in Australia was similar. Things have changed for the better mainly because of women like me who dressed as we chose, embraced sexual liberation and stood up to the sexism. Do you think countries that remained colonized for a long time are lagging behind USA in terms of equality for women? Did the USA’s fight for liberation early on also empower the women?

    • October 3, 2013 1:01 pm

      Victoria — Rawanda is a good example. It is one of the poorest countries in the world, and endured a genocide where thousands of women were raped, and of course killed. But today Rawanda ranks with the Scandinavian countries right on top of the global gender equality index. They used the system of law and governance to force gender equality, because somewhere it struck them that they will not able to change mindsets. And women shouldn’t have to wait for that to happen to be safe. India had a thriving feminist movement before independence. Really outspoken women, who pushed the idea of bodily and sexual integrity of individual women. In my book ‘Sex and Power’ I observe that this movement suddenly fell silent after the arrival of Gandhi on the scene. He was such a towering figure that he re-configured the placement of women in Indian society in very moralistic and cultural terms. And that continued in the India’s feminist movement to this day. And that is the problem. I talk about that in this paper

  27. mclondon1 permalink
    September 28, 2013 11:40 am

    Rita, First, you have my full support on your efforts. Glad to see someone doing something very meaningful – that is admirable. I do not know the scale, I went through your links, and I will check other sources as well. But if there is an observable difference in the death rates between boys and girls below the age 6, I would find that as a very disturbing problem (I am aware that the sex ratio for children under the age of 6 is very unbalanced – a cause for significant concern. But I was under the impression that abortion is the cause for that). If they were killed as young girls, that is clearly illegal. So how do we prevent it? Maybe having a law to have the death of every girl investigated by an independent medical forensic team and a social worker – if done properly it could reduce such incidents? But do you have enough jails to put these people, if the crime is so widespread? I am not sure what we can do about selective abortions – at least in the West we assume that a fetus is not a human being and women particularly made the point that the rights on what to do with her own body supersedes the rights (if any) of the fetus’. Once we framed it that way, it is difficult to classify a fetus based on sex and request an equity on abortions – probably the only way one can change that practice is to change the cultural view of women. I am uncomfortable with abortions, irrespective of the sex, unless there is a good reason for it (other than using it as a substitute for routine birth control).

    But however bad it looks now, whatever is happening now will fundamentally alter the social status of women in India. I am convinced that as women becomes scarce because of all these practices, their value will eventually go up. As the sex ratio is tilting so much in favor of men (particularly in the top 20 % of Indians who are more concerned about keeping their status), it will be difficult for men to find a companion, and eventually they will have to pay dowry to find the right woman. Women will be in a position to make their demands and I will be surprised if anyone will dare to kill a woman, for dowry or whatever – knowing that if she is gone, finding someone to replace her will be almost impossible. The other aspect, men do not count in the population growth as reproduction depends entirely on women. If there are fewer women, the population will not grow as fast, or will start going down. So, however bad things are, maybe there are some things that look positive. Although what will happen with the men for whom there are no match available is an open question. This problem is not unique to India, China, with their one child law, has even a bigger problem with it, from what I understand. Since most families want boys for selfish reasons – to take care of them when they get old (although I think women do that better then men), and for rural families, to take care of their small farms. It is a sad state of affairs. Any comments on how to change the situation?

    Continue the good work you are doing, it is the right cause.

    • October 3, 2013 12:29 pm

      I think the census analysis just answered part of your question! No, it is not so much sex-selection, but the killing of girls. Please make sure you click here and read very important information just released. There were millions killed in the genocide of Jews, more recently Bosnians, in which thousands participated. The governments were ultimately held accountable under law in mass scale killings as must be in this case too. But the rate of killings of all ages of females — infants, brides, and even widows (most witch lynchings are of widows whose property is coveted) have gone up because the the system of law and order have given a tacit green signal. You kill a cow and there is a riot in India. But killing girls and women is perfectly ok. Till cases are tried, people punished and a strong message sent out everyone has the license to kill girls and women in India. Do see our About page on top for the campaign strategy to end this genocide.

  28. rahul91 permalink
    September 29, 2013 12:05 am

    i agree here with mclondon1 , women will blame men for their bad behaviour but will never try to know why this is happening , well not all men are bad here , expect those who do crime against women ….if group of men are hanging around then u cannot say that they have any wrong intentions toward ..these men are jobless , they have no future , no to love them ,no family ..nothing so they get easily involved with bad company & become finally become criminals…..govt. & women organisation are empowering women but will never do anything for poor boys/futureless men rather than calling them criminals…bcuz u don’t wnt to solve the problems as u don;t know how to solve it

    • October 2, 2013 11:44 am

      Rahul — That’s a very pathetic sob story! What makes you think only jobless men harass women? And furthermore these men won’t sexually harass someone like Sonia Gandhi or other women in power. They are opportunists. 20% of women are exterminated from this country. Everywhere you go you see men. Are thinking about what you are saying? Or are just feeling sorry for yourself because as a man you just feel entitled to more?

  29. Mind matters permalink
    October 3, 2013 10:15 am

    Hey Mr.Rahul, show us 20 women, who are jobless and who are harassing a man just because of that reason. So if you are jobless, does it mean that you have every liberty to disturb someone who is going on their way…..sick attitude of men….if they are unemployed or idle they will let out the devil, is it ?….take some good examples from women, wherein even if the husband is an alcoholic and not earning, she would join some job to uplift her family and her kids….there are many men in our country who give only the sperm to the woman, and after that it becomes a woman’s responsibility to bring up the child is it? If you are so jobless join the army and die for the nation rather than troubling others. Just as a woman knows to find a job for herself when her family needs to be uplifted, the men should have the motivation to do it…do not justify by saying government is not providing any way for employment…do not expect everyone to ask you why you are unemployed and give you a job, no body asks a woman and gives her the job, she searches and acquires it by herself….

  30. October 3, 2013 7:39 pm

    Outstanding, I appreciate your work .

  31. Tom permalink
    January 19, 2014 9:51 pm

    Something that I am wondering: why would a woman that has experienced the asence of this type of everyday harrasment in a different country want to come back?
    I know fleeing the problem is not solving the problem I would find it a rather logical choice. Are there figures of how the number Indian is man vs women that return to India after a stay abroad (say studies).

  32. lavnya desai permalink
    March 21, 2014 4:34 pm

    Lavasa Women’s Drive stands for the true spirit of women today that represents confident, independent, and enterprising with a penchant for social causes. For Lavasa Women’s Drive, over the years 7000 women have participated in the drive and have garnered 3.2 million votes from 100 countries.


  1. Remarkable article by Rita Banerji | Word Worth® Letters to the Editor
  2. Indian feminism: About right, wrong or “convenience” | So deemed Kachra

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