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The Conspiracy against the #Suryanelli Gang #Rape Victim

February 11, 2013

kurien_defiant2_338x225In 1996, in the town of Suryanelli, in Kerala, a 16-year-old girl was abducted and brutally gang-raped by 42 men over a 40 day period.  This has become one of the most high profile cases about the brutality of gang-rape and sex-trafficking in India, and yet 16 years on the Indian system has failed to give justice to the victim.

Since under Indian law, rape victims cannot be named, she has become known as “the Suryanelli girl.”

The Suryanelli girl was a shy child who grew up in the sheltered confines of Catholic boarding schools, since her father, a postmaster, and her mother, a nurse, had to move often for new job assignments.  In 1994, she moved back home with her parents, where she relocated to a new boarding school closer to their home amid the hills and tea gardens of Suryanelli.  Every weekend she would take the bus to her parents’ house.

It was on the bus rides that she met Raju, the ticket collector.  She was 16 and he was 26, but like teenagers do, she fell in love.  And like most Indian girls, she hid her love from her strict, Catholic family.  Though she loved Raju, she was also afraid of him.  Once, he got hold of an album of her family photographs and blackmailed her with them.  He told her if she didn’t run away with him, to marry him, he morph her pictures on naked bodies and post them around her school.

Though nervous she agreed to go.  On Jan. 16, 1996, she was to meet him at a local bus stand but he was not there. It was too late to go back to school. In a panic, she caught another bus headed toward her aunt’s house in a town nearby. An unknown woman with a male companion who had been following her, introduced herself,  and knew her name.  She told her that she knew her relatives and would take her to their house.  Instead they took her to a nearby guesthouse and the man raped her.

The next 42 days passed in a blur of beatings and rapes by a parade of strange men. She was taken to homes and hotels, in cars and public buses, driven more than 2,000 miles across two states. She was forced to drink arrack, a local liquor, and sedated with pills.

Her attackers included a retired professor, lawyers, businessmen and government officials. When she resisted, the first man who raped her threatened to kill her parents.  “I’m a lawyer,” he told her, “I will never get caught for this.”

One man seemed older than the others, and she begged him for pity. “You are old enough to be my papa. Please rescue me from here.” He raped her too.

When she reached the point she thought she would die, they gave her a little money and left her at a bus station. She thought her ordeal had ended. But it was only the beginning.

At the hospital the doctors said her groin and private areas were so savaged, and she had bled so much that a few more days, and she would be dead!  The memory of seeing his daughter that day is burned into her father’s brain – her bloated body, her face covered in scratch marks. “I cannot describe it,” he says. “And I cannot forget it.  When she left, she was a young girl in a school uniform. When she came back, she looked like a grown woman, her body puffy and swollen….I knew immediately what she had gone through.”

They went to the local police, who tried to dissuade her from reporting the crime. It took two days to file the first report.  The police took the girl and her father everywhere she had been forced to go, in a police van, like culprits — with several of the suspects. Every day was a humiliation. The police and the perpetrators seemed like friends, laughing and joking together. The victim however found courage and named and identified her rapists.

She was examined by a male gynecologist. Victims of rape in India generally have to undergo the so-called “two-finger test.” Doctors probe the vagina to see if it is lax, the term commonly used, and if a hymen is absent. Both are taken as evidence the woman routinely has sex and so must have consented to intercourse.  In the case of the Suryanelli girl, the doctor did not perform the two-finger test. He said her vagina was simply too damaged.

It took three years for the case just to reach a court in India’s overburdened justice system. And when it did, it was not the men who were on trial – it was the character of the girl.  Lawyers for the accused cross-examined her relentlessly for days, in minute detail that seemed designed to embarrass her.

“How many pairs of underwear did you have?”

“Did your underwear get torn when you were raped?”

“Did they undo the string on your pants or did they cut it?”

“Did the pants get torn?” “Did you carry any sanitary napkins during your travels?”

The men said either that they had never even met her or that the sex was consensual. Some had minor links to a political party and claimed they were part of a political vendetta.

But at least the trial court offered the girl a chance at justice. The judge, who was liberal by Indian standards, believed that a woman’s failure to resist could not be seen as consent.

He found all 35 accused guilty.  On September 06, 2000, a special court sentenced all 35 men to between 4 and 14 years in prison, for charges ranging from conspiracy and kidnapping to gang rape and trafficking.

For one moment, it looked like the Suryanelli girl had won.  However,  it was not to be so.

One of the accuesed was Kurien who she recognized and identified from a photographDuring her captivity one day she was told that an “important” man would be “visiting” her.  She didn’t know who he was at the time, but begged him to spare her and rescue her since he had the power to.  He didn’t.  Later, she saw his face in a newspaper and recognized him instantly.

None of the men served any time in jail. They all filed appeals in the state high court and walked free on bail.

When 9 years later, the case finally came before the Kerala High Court, the ruling was overturned.  The High Court acquitted all 35 convicted rapists  and found only one of them  guilty of crimes related to the sex trade and sentenced him to a 5 years jail term and a fine of Rs 50,000.  The reason for the acquittal was political pull,  specially that of the accused P.J. Kurien, who was a former Union Minister and member of the Congress party the current party in power! Of course all men had to be acquitted together, since they were in the crime together, otherwise they would have testifyed against each other!  The police made no other arrests in the case!

The High Court judges spoke with sarcasm about the victim’s ability to befriend strangers easily, noted by the bus driver.  They brought up her childhood bedwetting, saying the fact that her sister had washed the sheets showed “a tendency to make others responsible” for her problems.  Most of all, they said, she was not a “normal innocent” 16-year-old.  She had shown the nerve to pawn jewelry and give money to a secret boyfriend, risky behavior that betrayed shaky character. And why hadn’t she tried to escape when she was kept in guesthouses and transported in public buses?  Her word couldn’t be trusted. In fact, everything she said was to be doubted.

The “million dollar question,” the judges said, was not whether more than three dozen men had had sex with her over 42 days. It was whether she had been a willing partner, now turning on them to protect her reputation.  They said that “She needed money. She was prepared to raise it. She had needs which her parents did not know,” the judgment said. “She is thus shown to be a girl of deviant character.”


click to hear the interview

The court that acquitted Kurien and the others said they had a witness testifying that Kurien was not in the guest house at the time of the rape.  However, that same witness said that he actually testified that he had seen Kurien in the guest house,  around the time the victim was raped there! He said the police officer in charge had changed his statement to protect Kurien, and a number of bribes were also offered to him for his silence!   Furthermore, the one man convicted in the case has also testified that Kurien was in the guest house but that he was pressurized by the investigating officer to not testify against Kurien!

Despite this the government has refused to remove Kurien from office and re-try his case with the new evidence emerging against him!

Over the years, the victim and her family had to move houses constantly, and still continue to be ostracized by society, and face harassment from various quarters.  After her ordeal, friends vanished. Relatives slunk away. People said her father was selling his daughter and bought his house from the money she made.

The family began to face harassment from other quarters when the victim refused to retract Kurien’s name from the list of men who had raped her!  The family began to live in fear, often only commuting between work and home. The mother quietly mourns the lost happiness of both her daughters. “Who will marry them?” she asks. “Who will look after them when we’re gone?”

Faith was the cornerstone of the family, back in what they think of as the time before everything happened. Even today, images of the Virgin Mary and Jesus decorate the living room, and several rosaries hang from a nail hammered into the wall. But they lost the solace of church too. Their local priest  suggested they stay away for a while because people had begun to recognize them.

Watch the video above to understand how this victim and her family have been further victimized by the political system over the last 16 years.

In January 2013, the government of India released a new anti-rape law in response to the ground-breaking Verma Committee report on rape and sexual violence on women in India.  Of the many recommendations of the Verma Committee, a key one was for the government to ensure that no politician charge-sheeted with rape be allowed to be in office, which the law in India currently permits.

The government however made a complete MOCKERY of this recommendation.  On February 19, when the Rape Ordinance was discussed in Parliament it was chaired by P. J. Kurien !

suryanelli protest

Govt continues to ignore women’s protest to remove and try Kurien

The mother of the victim, had written a letter to Sonia Gandhi, the leader of the Congress party, who is also Kurien’s boss, saying, “… How can he (Kurien) chair the discussions when the ordinance aiming at the emancipation of womanhood in India promulgated by the Union of India with regard to the sexual offences against women in the Upper House of Parliament…(is about to be considered).”  But Sonia Gandhi has her own vested interest in protecting rapist politicians, since many of them are in her party, and had organized the rape of Sikh women in Delhi in 1984!  For more click here.

However, there was worse! The most humiliating blow to the Suryanelli victim was delivered in May 2013 by the U.S. based women’s organization “Women Deliver,” when invited Kurien as a guest speaker at their global conference on women’s reproductive rights! Later, Women Deliver just swerved past this blow they had served to the Suryanelli victim by saying, they didn’t know! They never even apologized directly to the victim! Many questions remain.  Women’s groups in India have been furiously fighting Kurien, so who recommended Kurien as a speaker? The “Women Deliver” organization seems to have high profile connections with American business and political leaders.  Did one of these with a vested interest in India, suggest Kurien?  And if this was truly a mistake, wouldn’t “Women Deliver” make a serious attempt to reach out to the victim?  Instead they just dismissed her case as a “controversy.”

Soon after the Women Deliver conference, the one witnessed who had been jailed, and who had testified that he not only accompanied Kurien to the guest house where this girl was kept, but that he had been threatened and bribed by various agencies to change his statement, suddenly changed his statement! After 16 years, this man suddenly said, that he was “drunk” and does not remember what he actually saw!  Was this the part of the political  conspiracy — to have Kurien invited to a high-profile international women’s conference, where he shared the platform with the likes of Melinda Gates and Chelsea Clinton, so it would push his case towards acquittal?  If so can we rule out that Women Deliver wasn’t a part of this political conspiracy?




60 Comments leave one →
  1. Padmanabhan Jaikumar permalink
    February 11, 2013 5:16 pm

    He not only should be sacked but put behind bars as per law.Rapist has no right to stay outside and influence the witnesses or threaten then in course of justice pending with SC

    • February 11, 2013 7:44 pm

      Absolutely. Specially now that there is new evidence emerging that the police etc. tried to suppress victims and help cover up for Kurien!

  2. February 11, 2013 9:30 pm

    It is insanity to allow this man to have ANYTHING to do with rape laws! WAKE UP INDIA and support 100% all who are fighting on behalf of women & children!

    • ayten avdi permalink
      February 18, 2013 9:11 am

      Absolutely how can a rapist have a place in dealing with rape laws ? Kurien shueld be behind bars not on the law making position. shame on you sonia

    • Kathryn Sinclair permalink
      June 2, 2013 10:25 pm

      Jail him for good!

  3. Cam Gould permalink
    February 12, 2013 4:02 am

    Kill it. It is not human. It is a monster.

  4. A Clawson permalink
    February 12, 2013 9:51 pm


  5. permalink
    February 17, 2013 3:41 pm

    This is a sad part of democracy in India. There should rigid law to punish the victims of rapist and save the victims from future attack from of women of the country.

  6. Satish Steve Pandya permalink
    February 18, 2013 9:11 am

    He must not be allowed to chair this commission. It wil be a travesty of justice.

  7. Rajeev Datt permalink
    February 18, 2013 10:15 am

    Though I live in the US, I still consider myself an Indian. Unfortunately, with men like this Kurien, and many, many more just like him in India, I am ashamed to be an Indian. And instead of acquitting all those 35 and protecting people like this corrupt politician, all of them should be publicly stoned…

  8. Rabindranath Das permalink
    February 18, 2013 6:57 pm

    Sonia Gandhi is a wise woman and she should know that there are many talented outstanding Indian personalities who could do justice if she choses one from among them instead of Mr Kurien unless she has undisclosable compulsions…

    • February 22, 2013 12:32 pm

      Wise? Maybe the word is ‘clever’? Because think of it like this: she throws out this one man from her party, and then there are many who she’s still protecting who incited rape of Sikh women in Delhi in ’84 right? She needs those rapists in her party to keep her in power doesn’t she? Has a single one of those politicians from ’84 in the Congress been even tried. Not at long as Sonia occupies the chair!

  9. Demetrius V. Saldana permalink
    February 19, 2013 12:16 pm

    Rape in any form is repulsive and degrades MEN on all levels, with whatever rationalization you can muster I can rebut with “wrong”, but if you think taking something from someone weaker than you by force, is acceptable, come see me in Brooklyn… I’ll be weaker than you for 1.2 seconds…
    … on your mark… get set…


  10. Mike Pulskamp permalink
    February 19, 2013 9:26 pm

    Dam, people dieing and being brutalized this way is horrible. These are the growing pains of a nation and the world. And we all want them to stop. But this situation, if haddled wrong will make things worse not better, in the long run.

    HE HAS ONLY BEEN ACCUSED! Not convicted, at least not in court.

    I for one, think it is a perfectly rediculous idea that any politician would be removed on accusation alone. That is monumentally poor law! I would ask that this man recuse himself, or stand trial.

    • February 22, 2013 12:28 pm

      He was convicted and then removed on the basis of a false statement that he wasn’t there in the guest house. However the witnesses have said that the investigating officer had changed their statement and pressurized them not to testify. Otherwise too, the victims identification is prime. Anyone with any kind of rap sheet should never be allowed to run for any office. This happens only in corrupt India!!!

  11. February 20, 2013 8:31 pm

    I dnt undstd how cm a rapist be a chairman of such commitee why govt is acting like a handicapped .Such kind of people should be hanged

  12. February 20, 2013 8:36 pm

    I dnt undstd how cm a rapist be a chairman of such commitee why govt is acting like a handicapped .Such kind of people should be hanged .It is a time we should stop commenting & start reacting to such matters

  13. permalink
    February 22, 2013 2:39 pm

    This is the sad part of Indian democracy. Majority of members of the parliament is supporting Kurian who is undoubtedly raped the young girl. What we can do about it?

  14. Dyanne permalink
    March 1, 2013 8:23 pm

    What a strong woman. How many of us would continue to fight while our family was being punished?
    And furthermore what is wrong with the other women that they don’t group together and fight against such barbaric, demeaning, sadistic behavioral!
    When is enough going to be enough!!!!

  15. Aarya singh permalink
    March 2, 2013 8:35 pm

    Kurien ko fasi dene ki jagah usko promotion mat de

  16. March 25, 2013 5:23 pm

    I agree, while on this pls read my post on the Anti-Rape Law –
    Feedback and comments welcome.

  17. Richard Baker permalink
    April 3, 2013 10:58 am

    Corruption is so endemic here that, in effect, the country is run by criminals akin to a mafia( though less well organized ! )….I believe that the Hindu faith hasn’t helped, as it appears to me to only promote the self over others ( family ‘duties’ notwithstanding )…many people do not develop a social conscience and certainly have no concept of civic responsibility…and at the extreme end of the scale, manage to keep their jobs after being implicated in the most heinous of crimes. Politicians in the west lose their jobs for making illicit expenses claims…and rightly so….It’s time these Indian criminals should be made to pay for their crimes. Indians with a conscience, stand up and be counted! I know you are out there.

    • May 30, 2013 7:45 pm

      What is wrong with the world…..?!!!!!!?

      It begs belief that such powerful women have been in the same room as this man. I am truly appalled.

      Maybe we need to lobby these women too – why should Hilary Clinton hold such a powerful position if she’s not prepared to ‘step up’ and denounce this horrendous man.

  18. Sachikanta Chakrabarti permalink
    May 30, 2013 7:02 pm

    I am totally at a loss to understand the meaning of the Conference where such a distinguished personality is an honourable invitee and a speaker. This a sample of a Member of Parliament in our democracy of which we are so proud. We back slap ourselves and sing HAMARA BHARAT MAHAN.

  19. laurie permalink
    May 30, 2013 8:17 pm

    it is unbelievable that men could do this to anyone let alone a child and it is disgusting that we live in a world that allows these atrocities to occur and thinks that it will go away over time. The world if full of people who believe they are invincible once they get into power or hold religious positions. They protect themselves within groups of like minded, self serving individuals twisting truth, morality and justice to appease their sickness. If India is ever to hold its head up, these men have to be brought to justice, it is a sickness that hangs over and clouds any good that exists not just in India, but any country that doesn’t feel the urgency to protect the innocent and bring the perpetrators to justice quickly and without hesitation. I feel disgusted, ashamed and can’t imagine how this young girls has coped, the damage to her body is just overwhelming, my heart goes out to her and her family. Stay strong.

  20. terrasa valenti permalink
    May 30, 2013 8:51 pm

    Thank God Americans have higher standards and society does not shun or harass victims here. Now i see why these countries hate Americans. We don’t stand for such behavior and we actually care for victims.

    • Priyankara permalink
      June 7, 2013 9:04 pm

      Are there no heinous crimes like this in other countries? Do you not have rapists and killers running free like this there?

  21. Michael permalink
    May 30, 2013 10:28 pm

    Stop voting for politician who don’t care. How come that year after year crime against women are continuing and people are voting for these politicians who are not doing anything to stop what is happening and yet you have a woman at head and is not helping to stop such monstrosity from happening.
    Stop voting these people in office.
    Time to boycott India. A sad demorcracy.

  22. Patrice Harper permalink
    May 31, 2013 4:18 am

    I applaud this young woman’s strength and courage. I pray she will find the justice and peace she deserves.

  23. Catherine permalink
    May 31, 2013 11:23 am

    He deserves the death penalty. Every man only thinks about sex and perversion there (it’s not just the words I had been in this country) … a sick nation.

  24. madhu agrawal permalink
    May 31, 2013 6:39 pm

    Barbaric! how can a person torture a woman like this? guess its time to follow the taliban system of punishment–immediate and more than equal punishment -in public too

    • permalink
      June 2, 2013 10:59 am

      It is India every political man can do what Kurian had done and hold the highest position as well.

  25. June 2, 2013 2:55 pm

    In March 2013, P.J. Kurien was the official delegate from India at Pope Francis’ inauguration ceremony at the Vatican. He is reportedly an important vote bank for the Congress.

  26. June 4, 2013 12:01 am

    Is this the nation that all the Ministers who have been assasinated has died for. They need a complete overhaul. Sonia Ghandi should decide whether she is a woman first and a minister after, and she should stand up and be counted. It must be done, and she, as a woman should start the ball rolling.

  27. Melissa permalink
    June 4, 2013 3:37 pm

    I personally think the women should band together, hunt down their rapists and castrate them, obviously the Indian government (and the male citizens) choose to be ignorant of the pain and suffering the women go through, and because of their corrupted law system, raping in India is most likely no different than petty theft. Aside from protesting and writing letters, they obviously need a better way to convince the government to clean up their act.

  28. June 7, 2013 5:13 pm

    We know Ms. Sonia Gandhi is the most powerful political leader at present time in India ruling government. She is honored openly to the up position then the Premier of India.But we should keep in mind that Ms. Sonia though a woman and although she sincerely upholds all the best wishes to welfare of women of India but unfortunately she stands on a complete men dominated deep rooted political establishment in India where she becomes simply helpless to ignore the man politician’s ugly wills even. So friends be assemble together man-woman both and decide whether the India would ruled by these ugly minded man politicians or generate more women leadership continuously from every parts of the country!! We will remain with all attempts for the women friendly India where women would be honored like men equally.

    • June 12, 2013 7:20 pm

      And what do we tell the Sikh women who have been asking us why Sonia Gandhi protects the politicians in her party who were complicit in the rape and massacre of Sikhs under her husband’s directives?

  29. mary maxwell permalink
    June 24, 2013 2:57 am

    Apology is not enough – this vile piece of vermin must be brought to justice. I thank God that there is a greater judge than any earthly judge and woe betide anyone who hurts a child or an innocent women. Justice will be done and when your earthly life of profligacy is done believe you me you will pay dearly for your crimes against humanity!!!

  30. Bill Keidan permalink
    June 24, 2013 3:19 am

    It just goes to show what a corrupt world we live in. How far has India drifted from its dharma and the great teachings of karma and reincarnation. These are obviously little understood by the bestial men who have done these shocking deeds, even those who hold high political office. Human justice may be lacking in this case, but Divine justice will eventually bring the offending parties to account.

  31. June 24, 2013 11:07 am

    It’s again surprising that the politicians and influenced peoples get escaped due to their influence at every level. The Court of Justice should notice all such acts and should acts accordingly. Such culprits should not be escaped from the scene. He should be behind bar till the hearing is pending in SC. The media is also not honest on his part otherwise the accused Kurien could not escape. We should send this message strongly thru this Petition to arrest Kurien put him behind bar till the hearing is in progress.

  32. July 1, 2013 3:43 pm

    this Indian police force is a shame!
    The doctors too,they deserve to be fired! Alongside the policeman who tried to dissuade her! I mean this So Cold Rapist are not humanbeings and they deserve to be locked out! And burnt down! If I had to see any of them I would kill them!

    And to the girl if she can see this
    “I hope thaat they get arrested and you get counselling! And I’m with you in prayers! I hope They get arrested too”

    To all the boys who’ve considered raping “boys raping cause’s trauma to the victim! And if you do rape! You will not be lucky as this fools! You will be jailed for life! Prison is no childs play! ”

    I’m now putting these case in my prayers! And I hope that these man will be jailed for life! ! I thank those who are praying for this girl!

    #Lets us Prevent Rape’s in future! For a better nation!
    #Humanity is not lost!

    • July 1, 2013 3:46 pm

      What do you think about the group “Women Deliver” that invited the rapist to speak and refused to even apologize to the rape victim? Do you think they treated her like a road-kill?

  33. September 5, 2013 3:32 pm

    Shame to the whole humanity, if we all can’t do anything to stop such barbarities.

    Send all our best vibes to the victim and her family for their courage. And for this blog, that tries to help.

  34. October 27, 2014 1:24 pm

    I totally support violent activism on behalf of women and girls. If it’s possible to achieve in Islamic countries, it’s possible to achieve in India- not easily, obviously, but still possible. Waiting for India’s government to grow a conscience is like waiting for Monsanto to stop poisoning the world- it’s not going to happen. Indian families who are serious about the wellbeing of their daughters need to be encouraged to support their daughters learning self defense- opening self defense lessons to girls and women will transform the social landscape very quickly.

  35. December 16, 2014 8:18 pm

    Reblogged this on the rebel's agenda.


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